Press Coverage
July - Diplomat Magazine
July - Sarum College
June - The Guardian Photo of The Day
June - Forbes
June - NRC (paywall)
June - De Telegraaf (paywall)
June - Kosova Press
April - UK Government
Tique Art -
National Gallery
October - Secondary Archive
July - Manifesta 14
June - The Art Newspaper
Author: P.L Henderson
June - BBC Greater Londoner Instagram Stand:
March - Our Bodies Their Battlefield: What War Does to Women by Christina Lamb
March - Al Jazeera, AJShorts: Kosovo's Refugee Artist
March - Artpolis, Panel discussion: “Art as a protest against oppression”
June - Tate, A Walk Through Tate Modern on the Theme of Migration, Ishi's Light 2003 Anish Kapoor
June - Reclamation 99, Alketa Xhafa Mripa, Conecptual Artist // Activist
July - Shado magazine, Global Womxnhood, Artist profile
August - O Gocë magazine, Speaking Arts Language – Alketa Xhafa Mripa​
February - British Council / The National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina: Burrneshat
October - Europe House, A wonderful inspirational talk with Alketa Xhafa Mripa
August - The Guardian, 'I didn't want this to be a taboo", The Fight for Kosovan Women raped during the war.
May - Dissident, Redeeming history from the dungeons of the past: an interview with Alketa Xhafa Mripa
March 31 - TEDxAUK, Thinking of you, Alketa Xhafa-Mripa
June - York Press, Fancy a brew? Passers-by sit down for tea with a refugee
June - Side Story, Artist and refugee: Alketa Xhafa Mripa, an interview
May - Women's Activist Museum, Alketa Xhafa Mripa
February 22 - Fad Magazine, Who Are We?
January 13 - Peirene Press, Reflections on Paper
February 1- Sophia Belgium Gender Studies, International Cultural Responses to Wartime Rape: Ethical Questions and Critical Challenges
October- Art Monthly 40th Anniversary Issue, Solidarity, Refugees Welcome
September 15 - The Huffington Post, Join Me in My Truck for a Conversation about Refugees
September 15 - The Double Negative, Britain Symbolises the Hope and the Welcome
August 4- News Deeply, Path to Justice for Survivors of Kosovo’s Sexual Violence
June 18 - The Huffington Post, A Galvanizing Moment for Women's Rights
June 24 - Ian Visits, Moving Stories: A Refugee Week Special Event
April 11- Women's Foreign Policy Group, ART AND ACTIVISM:
Speaking out on Sexual Violence during the War in Kosovo
March - London School of Economics and Political Science Department of Government, Confronting War Time Rape: The Power of Art in Kosovo
July 10 - UN Women, Dressing Up a Soccer Stadium for Survivors in Kosovo
July 1 - Open Democracy, Wartime rape is no longer kept under wraps in Kosovo
June 28 - Shanghai Daily, Raising Awareness of Wartime Sexual Violence
June 20 - Art Parasites, Empathy: How to embrace turning into your parents, according to conceptual artist Alketa Xhafa Mripa
June 19 - Al Jazeera, If Dresses Could Speak
June 19 - Prishtina Insight, Wartime Rape: Kosovo's Enduring Tragedy
June 14 - Mashable, Dirty Laundry No more: Victims of Sexual Assault Get a New Symbol at Kosovo Art Exhibit
June 14- Colombia Daily Tribune, Kosovo art installation of dresses supports war rape victims
June 13 - Pink Blog Italia, Violenza Sulle Donne
June 12 - El Pais, 5.000 vestidos y faldas para denunciar las violaciones en la guerra de Kosovo
June 12 - The Washington Times, Kosovo art installation supports war rape victims
June 12 - U.S. News and World Report, Kosovo art installation hangs 5,000 dresses on clotheslines to support war rape victims
June 12 - United Nations Mission in Kosovo, Thousands of skirts hung in Pristina Stadium pay tribute to the survivors of sexual violence
June 12 - Daily Mail, Kosovo art installation of dresses supports war rape victims
June 12 - Yahoo News!, Dresses line pitch of Kosovo stadium to condemn war rapes
June 12 - Associated Press, Kosovo art installation of dresses supports war rape victims
June 12 - Times Free Press, Kosovo art installation of dresses supports war rape victims
June 12 - CNS News, Kosovo art installation of dresses supports war rape victims
June 12 - Euro News, Kosovo Exhibition of Dresses and Skirts in Prishtina to Remember Women who Suffered Sexual Violence in Wartime
June 12 - New York Times, On the Line: 5,000 Dresses Transform Soccer Stadium in Kosovo Into a Venue for Addressing Wartime Rape
June 12 - Femmes Ent Noir Mon Brison, Des Robes Sur Des Cordes a Linge Rendent Hommage Aux Survivantes De La Violence Sexuelle au Kosovo
June 12 - Reuters, Stadium of Skirts Targets Stigma Attached to Victims of Wartime Rape
June 12 - Reuters, Editors Choice
June 12- Voice of America, Kosovo Art Installation of Dresses Supports War Rape Victims
June 11 - Quartz, 5,000 dresses in a soccer stadium help Kosovo talk about wartime rape
June 11 - The Guardian, Dresses on Washing Lines Pay Tribute to Kosovo Survivors of Sexual Violence
June 11 - Kosovo 2.0, A Collective Healing Among Skirts
June 11 - BT News, Why are thousands of skirts being hung across a Kosovo football pitch?
February 9 - Cunterview, Belgrade: Exhibition 'EXCEPTION' forced to close before opening.