Baby Doll On / Off
Photographs, 2007
The Albanian woman is an anonymous object for usage.
She is reduced to an eye-catching erotic doll; a Baby Doll who obtains energy from an outside source.

Baby Doll On/ Off (2007), C-Print 175 cm x 100 cm
By covering the head and arm of the model, Baby Doll symbolizes the anonymity of her ‘sin’. She covers her breasts (a gesture that represents a phony embarrassment), and wears sporty red shorts with the stamp of an Albanian Eagle (a stamp of superior ideology of affiliation).
The model is a projection of men as well, and the way a woman should be: she should not have her own self or personality; she should pretend to be subversive and disgraceful; she must always carry with her the patriotic stamp of affiliation.
With this diptych, Alketa signals an alarm, playing with the dominant image of a woman as an attractive object for the gaze of men, and the assumed continuity in its presentation for men and their sophisticated tools.